Getting Started


ALM-agent includes the following prerequisites.

Install ALM agent

There are two ways to installing ALM Agent:

  1. Using a precompiled binary

  2. Installing from source

Download and install from a precompiled binary is the recommended option.

Using a precompiled binarys

ALM-agent is distributed as a binary package. To install ALM-agent, you can download it from this link.

ALM-agent is packaged as a tgz archive. After downloading ALM-agent, untgz the package. ALM-agent runs as a single binary named alm-agent.

$ mkdir -p /opt/mobingi/alm-agent /opt/mobingi/etc
$ wget
$ tar xvzf alm-agent.tgz -C /opt/mobingi/alm-agent
$ ln -sf /opt/mobingi/alm-agent/v* /opt/mobingi/alm-agent/current

Installing from source

We prepare Vagrantfile to compile from source. You will need VirtualBox and Vagrant installed. You can compile in virtual machine.

$ git clone
$ cd alm-agent
$ vagrant up default
$ vagranth ssh default
vagrant $ cd /home/vagrant/src/
vagrant $ make build

Verifying the Installation

After installing ALM-agent, verify the installation works and check that alm-agent is available.

By executing alm-agent you should see the help output similar to this:

$ alm-agent

   alm-agent [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


     register  initialize alm-agent and start containers
     ensure    start or update containers
     stop      stop active container
     noop      run without container actions.
     help, h   Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --autoupdate, -U                  auto update before run
   --disablereport, -N               Do not send crash report to rollbar.
   --provider Provider, -P Provider  set Provider (default: "aws")
   --verbose, -V                     show debug logs
   --help, -h                        show help
   --version, -v                     print the version

Last updated