
You only define your architecture requirements, plus where application code is hosted, then Mobingi ALM automates the rest for you

  • This page explains things you need to be done on your AWS account for start using Mobingi Wave.

  • After finishing preparation, you will need to give Mobingi the below informations.

- AWS account ID (12 digit numbers).

- Information of the report you made.

    - Report name

    - S3 bucket

    - Report path prefix, or Report path

- ARN of IAM Role which allow the specific bucket.(Ex: arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxxxx:role/crossacounnt-access-for-mobingi)

Step 1 : Create S3 bucket and daily report (option)

  • Create daily repot with the AWS account you want to share the billing information with Wave.

  • You can skip if you already have the report definition with below conditions.

    Time unit: Hourly

    Rsource IDsis included in the report.

    There is no object which Mobingi shouldn't see.(Since the access atuhority will be a whole bucket).

Step1-1: Create S3 bucket

  • Create bucket with any name from S3 bucket. Option can leave as default.

    Please keep the bucket name for using it as output destination of report.

Step1-2: Create daily report

  • Choose Billing from AWS management console and move to Reports.

Click Create report.

  • Fill out Step 1: Select Content same as below.

    • Report name: Any

    • Time unit: Hourly

    • Include: Resource IDs

    • Enable support for...: Optional

  • Step2: Select Delivery Options will be the following process.

    • Put S3 bucket name (you made at Step1-1)

    • Display and copy Sample policy (* make sure to click after you entered S3 bucket name)

  • After copy sample policy, open the S3 bucket which you create on step1-1 and open detail (* we suggest to open the page with new window or new tab).

  • On S3 page, go to Permissions >> Bucket Policy.

  • Put the policy you copied at before into Bucket policy editor and Save.

Go back to Step2: Select Delivery Options and put below info.

  • Report path prefix: Optional (*blank also works)

  • Compression: Optional

It shows Valid Bucket only when the bucket policy is correct.

Check your S3 again.

Check the info again and click Review and Complete.

Step 2 : Create IAM role for Mobingi

From AWS management console, select IAM service and click Roles >> Create role.

Choose Another AWS Account at Select type of trusted entityand put Mobingi account ID.

  • Mobingi Account ID: 131920598436

Click Create policy.

New tab or window will open. Choose JSON as input format and type the policy same as below. Make sure to change{replace_to_report_bucket} at "Resource" to the bucket name you use for report.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
               "Effect": "Allow",
               "Action": [
               "Resource": [

After fill the informations below, you can finish to create policy.

  • Name: Any (*required)

  • Description: Option

Go back to Create Role and refresh, the policy suppose to display on the list. Active the policy and move to review page. **

At Review, fill the informations below.

  • Role name: Any (*required)

  • Role description: Option

After check Trusted entities and Policies are correctly applied, click Create role.

Keep the ARN of the role.

Last updated

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