5. Check the invoice data

You can check the details of the invoice you created on the screen. You can also download it as CSV data.

Confirm the item from the screen

From the left menu, select Invoices> Create Invoices, and you will see a list of issued invoices. Click on the items of the billing group and you check the details of that invoices.

  • By printing that page, you can use it as an invoice / billing statement.

  • Invoices created once are saved in Ripple.

  • If you re-create the invoice, it will be overwritten.

Download CSV data

CSV data of billing statement can be downloaded for one month at a time.

You can download data by account / service unit or Tag unit.

You can download the CSV data of all billing groups by clicking the download button next to the display of "Invoicing" from Invoices> Create Invoice from the left menu.

Last updated

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