Authorization (RBAC)

For general information about RBAC, check out this link.

The following endpoint is the base url for the APIs below.

List permissions

List all permissions supported by RBAC in all namespaces. For reference, supported permissions can be found here.


GET /permissions HTTP1.1
authorization: Bearer {token}


HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Create role

During role creation, if your permissions list contains an Admin entry, all other entries will be discarded except Admin.

Roles are root user-level. That means all roles created by the root user, or any subuser that has permissions to create roles, are available to all subusers.


POST /roles HTTP1.1
authorization: Bearer {token}
content-type: application/json


Role names should have at least 6 characters in length and 32 characters maximum. It should also be alphanumeric. Hyphens and underscores are allowed in between. The regular expression used for validation is below:



HTTP/1.1 200 OK


List roles


GET /roles?namespace={namespace} HTTP1.1
authorization: Bearer {token}

The {namespace} parameter is optional. If not provided, all roles will be returned.


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    "name": "testrole",
    "namespace": "wave",
    "permissions": [
    "name": "waveAdmin",
    "namespace": "wave",
    "permissions": [

Update role

Update role. If role name is different, rename mapped role name.


PATCH /roles/{namespace}/{rolename} HTTP1.1
authorization: Bearer {token}
content-type: application/json



HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "name": "testrole",

Delete role

Delete role. Deleting a role will also remove all mappings.


DELETE /roles/{namespace}/{rolename} HTTP1.1
authorization: Bearer {token}

Map roles to user

You can only map (or attach) up to 5 roles to a user per namespace. There is no limit for filtering rules per user.

Valid values for type for filtering rules:


POST /userroles HTTP1.1
authorization: Bearer {token}
content-type: application/json

      "role": "somerole",


HTTP/1.1 200 OK


List user role mappings


For this endpoint, the returned role mappings are those attached to the caller.

GET /userroles HTTP1.1
authorization: Bearer {token}

For listing role mappings of other subusers, use this endpoint.

GET /{subuser}/userroles HTTP1.1
Authorization: Bearer {token}

{subuser} is the subuser name.


HTTP/1.1 200 OK


List user permissions

Retrieve all permissions to all roles attached to the {subuser}.


GET /{subuser}/permissions HTTP1.1
authorization: Bearer {token}


HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Update map roles to user

You can only update map (or attach) up to 5 roles to a user per namespace. There is no limit for filtering rules per user.

Valid values for type for filtering rules:

This method replaces subuser's all roles to information in the request body.


PATCH /userroles HTTP1.1
authorization: Bearer {token}
content-type: application/json

      "role": "somerole",
PATCH /{subuser}/userroles HTTP1.1
authorization: Bearer {token}
content-type: application/json

      "role": "somerole",

{subuser} is the subuser id.


HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Last updated